...as you therefore have received Christ Jesus as Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving... Colossians 2:8,9
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
FLASHBACK 7: Back to the Orphanage and the English Class Nov 21
We weren't able to visit the kids at the orphanage for 3 weeks until November 21st. They had the flu and we had to also use another room for having the class. Susan and Bendy and Peter were there for the short English class. I usually teach the first part of the lesson, we go through a English curriculum that uses many Bible stories. Then we have a snack time then Jesse goes over the MELT (My English Lunch Time) discussion and worksheet.
Not many kids played outside that day because it was pretty cold. So some of us played in the assembly room upstairs and pretended to be dinosaurs and stuff... :)

FLASHBACK 6: Kids Class Nov 15

FLASHBACK 5: Snow on a Sunday Morning Nov 15
FLASHBACK 4: Samonim's (Hye-Young) Birthday Nov 14
FLASHBACK 3: Saturday Women's Bible Studies
Last month we changed our Saturday Breakfast and Bible study time. Instead of having a big breakfast starting at 9am, we would start at 10am and serve some donuts and drinks before the Bible study. We would have worship time around 10:15am, that either Jesse or I would lead, then we would split up into the guys and girls Bible studies. In August I shared for the girls Bible study once when the Loudermilks had a day to rest. Anyways, the guys would stay at the church and Jesse would teach (I think they are going through Philippians now).
Then the girls/ladies would go to Pastor Mike and Hye-young's house. They are studying through Revelation and Hye-young would teach in Korean and explain what Pastor Mike would go over on the Sunday evening services. (I would watch Jeena or Hana during the Bible study which would go until 12pm) :D

(Jeena made a house with futons Nov 14)

(Jeena made a house with futons Nov 14)
FLASHBACK 2: KSoM - Korean School of Ministry at Calvary Chapel Cheonan Sept-Nov
On Wednesdays Jesse, Mike, and I (then also Dave); would go with Pastor Mike up to Cheonan to help with the English class at KSoM/Calvary Chapel Cheonan.
We would meet around 9am, get breakfast (the guys usually ate McDonalds :P but I usually got coffee and some amazing bread and oranges or something.) then eat it on the way and I would share for devos in the car or Dave would or we would listen to a teaching or something.
When we get to the church we would have a prayer meeting with the rest of the staff then start the English class which included some reading from Revelation and then some English talking time and worksheet things...
Then at 12pm Zach would pick us up to go to Danguk University and then we would be back at Calvary Chapel Cheonan at 3:30pm.

FLASHBACK 1 : Danguk University Weekly English Outreach in Cheonan from Sept 23-Nov 25
At the end of September we started going to Danguk University in Cheonan every Wednesday to do an English conversation/free talking outreach.
This is from our first class. Pastor John from UBF (I think University Bible Fellowship) was the one who first invited us and Zach was our friend who would pick us up from Calvary Chapel Cheonan and we would eat lunch together and have the 'class' kinda thing for about an hour or so. This picture was taken in the first week of October, we had class outside for this day.

The second picture is with some of the students from one of the classes in November. We had usually broke up into small groups and maybe used MELT (My English Lunch Time) papers which taught idioms and other expressions or discussion question papers on certain topics. Sometimes we'd start class with a game of crazy 8's..hehehe. The older ladies would also bring snack or oranges or make tea for us, it was pretty cool. :) It was a good opportunity to share the gospel and encourage other believers and have some time of fellowship.

This picture is just the outside of some of the University. There's a pretty lake too. And the other pic is with Dave, Ted, Jesse, and Zach.
Here's a pic with Zach, Jesse, and Dave in the cafeteria for lunch.
This is with some of the 'students' on our last day on November 25...

The second picture is with some of the students from one of the classes in November. We had usually broke up into small groups and maybe used MELT (My English Lunch Time) papers which taught idioms and other expressions or discussion question papers on certain topics. Sometimes we'd start class with a game of crazy 8's..hehehe. The older ladies would also bring snack or oranges or make tea for us, it was pretty cool. :) It was a good opportunity to share the gospel and encourage other believers and have some time of fellowship.

No. not really. But it is the beginning of a flood of updates that I will pour forth on this little blog of mine. So. Here I go...
Monday, September 21, 2009
the first saturday and sunday
So, I learned that on Saturdays the regular schedule is meet at the church at 8:30am to set up for breakfast for people who come before the Bible study! At 9am we cook eggs, fried and scrambled, have oatmeal or cereal, yogurt, sometimes donuts or bagels with cream cheese or jam...and Mario is so generous to bring in a loaf of bread to share from Paris Baguette (a yum looking bakery down the street from the church on the corner). At 10am, after breakfast we have worship time and then break up into the men's and women's Bible studies. The women's study is at the Loudermilk's; and the men's is at the church. When Manda was here, we would play with Jeena during the women's study because it is in Korean and is taught by Pastor Mike's wife, Hye-Young. Here is picture of me and Jeena from a couple weeks ago. She is 4 in Korean age, and is super cute; but sometimes she is too cool for me and doesnt like to play with me. But its ok, i still love her :)
After the Bible study we go to the orphanage around 12noon. I always mean to ask what the name is of the place, but I keep forgetting. (I will put up some pictures of this later) Well, when we get there we sit with the kids and eat a nutritious Korean food lunch with them. Then we play :) on the playground, or with basketball or soccer or badminton or volleyball or just run around with them... until 1:30pm when we have an English class with the some of the older kids, who are in highschool or college. We also eat snacks. Then have another English class. hehe. Until 3:30pm, then we leave to go back to the church for Sunday worship practice!
Sundays! I will explain more later, I have this one picture though from my first Sunday here... Lil' Hye-Young's (the girl wearing glasses) mom usually cooks lunch for us on Sundays. Those are probably some of the most delish food I've had here. We are in the girl's apartment (but now we have it at the Loudermilk's) The people (from left to right) Mike R., Daniel Kim, Lil' Hye-Young (David's cousin), David (Gloria's son), Jeena, Amanda, Lil' Hye-Young's mom, Gloria (Lil' Hye-Young's mom's sister), and Hye-Young (Pastor Mike's wife and Jeena's mom). ;D
This picture is in the living room of our apartment. The wooden door you can see is to the bathroom and the other door to the left of it is to Amanda's former room, which is presently my room. and the two kinda glass-like looking doors behind Daniel and Mike R. is to a little backroom that has our washing machine and hanging/drying clothes area. More pics later :D

Sundays! I will explain more later, I have this one picture though from my first Sunday here... Lil' Hye-Young's (the girl wearing glasses) mom usually cooks lunch for us on Sundays. Those are probably some of the most delish food I've had here. We are in the girl's apartment (but now we have it at the Loudermilk's) The people (from left to right) Mike R., Daniel Kim, Lil' Hye-Young (David's cousin), David (Gloria's son), Jeena, Amanda, Lil' Hye-Young's mom, Gloria (Lil' Hye-Young's mom's sister), and Hye-Young (Pastor Mike's wife and Jeena's mom). ;D
the first friday
It was Friday and we said farewell to Megan dear. We also got ready for the Jinsoo Language Institute English Bible Study that goes from 4:30pm to 6pm. We meet and greet people and give out juice and then Pastor Mike had "questions for quajah" time. (I'm pretty sure the spelling is hideously wrong, but anyways, its a time when the students would ask a question in English and then they would get snacks = qua
the first day
So I arrived on a Wednesday, had a good night's rest with air conditioning, and early the next day Manda and I took a bus to Calvary Chapel Cheonan for our orientation and training for a VBS/English Camp
Sunday, September 20, 2009
being continued...

July 22, 2009 I left Okinawa Japan and arrived in South Korea; continuing in this adventure of an abundant life in Christ. Here's a picture with some of the people that are quite missable. They did some running too, it reminded me of those nice little memories of when my cousins visited or if we visited our cousins we'd run after them to wave goodbye as they drove away...

There was an eclipse that day I couldn't take a picture of, so just imagine. I said goodbye to the fam

Then landed in South Korea, where I met up with Amanda, Pastor Mike, Daniel, and Sosimo. D and S were leaving that day back to California, it was nice to get to see them for a few minutes before they left. They had some snacks at McDonald's too before they flew and we said our goodbyes. Manda, Pastor Mike, and I made our three hour drive back to Daejeon. :)

Thursday, September 17, 2009
hello you

Well, here I am finally starting a blog! Hello ^_^
I hope I could be faithful in updating it...
Psalm 33:20-22 "Our soul waits for the Lord; He is our help and our shield. For our heart shall rejoice in Him, because we have trusted in His holy name. Let your mercy, O Lord, be upon us, just as we hope in You."
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