Monday, September 21, 2009

the first friday

It was Friday and we said farewell to Megan dear. We also got ready for the Jinsoo Language Institute English Bible Study that goes from 4:30pm to 6pm. We meet and greet people and give out juice and then Pastor Mike had "questions for quajah" time. (I'm pretty sure the spelling is hideously wrong, but anyways, its a time when the students would ask a question in English and then they would get snacks = quajah). Then one of the English speaking people (Jesse, Dean, Amanda, Mike, me) would teach/explain a worship/praise song that we would have printed out on paper. Then either Amanda or Jesse would play the song and we would sing it all together. Then we would have Bible study. That day, Dean taught. After the Bible study we head over to the church which is across the street, for Wii fellowship time. :)

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