So, I learned that on
Saturdays the regular schedule is meet at the church at
8:30am to set up for breakfast for people who come before the Bible study! At
9am we cook eggs, fried and scrambled, have oatmeal or cereal, yogurt, sometimes donuts or bagels with cream cheese or jam...and Mario is so generous to bring in a loaf of bread to share from Paris Baguette (a yum looking bakery down the street from the church on the corner). At
10am, after breakfast we have worship time and then break up into the men's and women's Bible studies. The women's study is at the Loudermilk's; and the men's is at the church. When Manda was here, we would play with Jeena during the women's study because it is in Korean and is taught by Pastor Mike's wife, Hye-Young. Here is picture of me and Jeena from a couple weeks ago. She is 4 in Korean age, and is super cute; but sometimes she is too cool for me and doesnt like to play with me. But its ok, i still love her :)

After the Bible study we go to the orphanage around
12noon. I always mean to ask what the name is of the place, but I keep forgetting. (I will put up some pictures of this later) Well, when we get there we sit with the kids and eat a nutritious Korean food lunch with them. Then we play :) on the playground, or with basketball or soccer or badminton or volleyball or just run around with them... until
1:30pm when we have an English class with the some of the older kids, who are in highschool or college. We also eat snacks. Then have another English class. hehe. Until
3:30pm, then we leave to go back to the church for Sunday worship practice!
Sundays! I will explain more later, I have this one picture though from my first Sunday here... Lil' Hye-Young's (the girl wearing glasses) mom usually cooks lunch for us on Sundays. Those are probably some of the most delish food I've had here. We are in the girl's apartment (but now we have it at the Loudermilk's) The people (from left to right) Mike R., Daniel Kim, Lil' Hye-Young (David's cousin), David (Gloria's son), Jeena, Amanda, Lil' Hye-Young's mom, Gloria (Lil' Hye-Young's mom's sister), and Hye-Young (Pastor Mike's wife and Jeena's mom). ;D

This picture is in the living room of our apartment. The wooden door you can see is to the bathroom and the other door to the left of it is to Amanda's former room, which is presently my room. and the two kinda glass-like looking doors behind Daniel and Mike R. is to a little backroom that has our washing machine and hanging/drying clothes area. More pics later :D